What you want may not be what you need.

Manu Kiza
4 min readApr 29, 2022
Photo by Paul Gilmore on Unsplash

I am sure you have been in situations where you have found yourself wanting something so badly, for so long that it became overwhelming and borderline obsessive. You have lost sleep over it and driven yourself to insanity thinking that if you want it bad enough, it would eventually manifest itself.

It can get frustrating when trying to discern wants from needs and wishes from desires. The subtlety of those concepts makes it rather challenging to identify with or ease into. With a more nimble approach, we may be able to get the clarity we need and discover a quicker and more efficient path toward the goals we had originally set. Just like anything you put your mind to, it takes a tremendous amount of effort that commences with a mindset shift and an acknowledgment of what may be holding us back.

The fastest way to find what we are looking for, and build momentum, as well as ease in life, is to let go of the idea that getting to your final destination requires a formidable amount of effort, challenges, and difficulty. Entertaining such narratives can only do one thing to your psyche, build stronger resistance and deter you from acknowledging what is right before your very eyes. In fact, when you solely focus on the challenges that arise, you tend to be met with more of the same predicaments and in return impede on your own blessings and growth.

What you want hurts you.

What we want and what we need don't need to align, as a matter of fact, they don’t often work in congruence but rather against one another. The want for something is routed in the dire necessity to obtain whatever we seek in the hopes that it will fill a void and bridge a gap between what is currently in our possession and what isn’t. When wanting something so strongly, we turn a blind eye to what we already possess and put emphasis on the lack thereof. This can be in relation to finances, career, or even partnerships of diverse kinds, the longer we spend “wanting” a different outcome to take place, the longer we can find ourselves rooted in misery, struggle, and discontentment. We go down a more resistant pathway and build walls around that garden we are supposed to nurture with love and kindness while forgetting to water down the thoughts that hurt us most. Becoming dependent on the concept that wanting more of what we don’t have can bring us closer to where it can be found.

Your wishes never come to life.

What we wish for is based on the assumption that we are not worthy of our deepest desires. Wishing for something draws strong attention to the evidence that in order to obtain the wish, we must find worthiness within ourselves and wrestle with lustful thinking. A wish is an idea based on the subterfuge that worthiness is found by an attempt to trick the mind into believing that it is deserving of our aspiration. The mind doesn't get tricked. Fooling yourself into believing in something that isn’t based on authenticity will only postpone the aftermath and lead you yet again to hinder your grace. You will quickly find yourself back where you started with more emotional burden and disdain for life. Having consumed your being with nonconducive and harmful thoughts. Omitting to find the gentleness with your emotions and being unable to balance your heart with your mind.

Emotions are the answer.

Your heart knows what your mind fails to acknowledge. Your emotions will eventually guide you back to that place of alignment if you choose to let them. Following your emotions means that you are able to find easiness by making room for compassion and clarity to take up space between your current state and your desired outcome. Finding your groove with the rhythm and allowing your feelings to flow freely will help bring serenity and relinquish resistance for openness and allowance. Your feelings will help determine what's true from what isn't and where the adjustment needs to be done in order for you to find comfort and reach your goals. You should always prioritize positive feelings and engage with those often, but being able to recognize the ones that serve you from those that don't can clearly provide an access to your dreams. Most of all, you should remain gentle with yourself and take the time you need to find that which feels comfortable enough to help you move forward.

Don’t chase it let it chase you. The more you go after it, the further away it gets. Built momentum and not resistance by being open to receiving and allowing grace to come upon you. The more you push it the closer it gets as well, which in return also builds tension and hinders your process. The simplest thing you can do is allow what you want to become what you need and what you wish for to become what you desire. Once you can find contentment in the unknown you can find what you're looking for and allow your goals to manifest.

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Manu Kiza

Contrarian thinker, challenging the way we see the world and finding roots in being an outcast.